
Turning Negative Self-Talk into Empowering Self-Compassion

A woman smiling and hugging herself warmly in the setting of a cloud, urban city. In white text overlay it reads "turning negative self talk into empowering self-compassion.

Negative self-talk can be insidious, holding us back from realizing our true potential and sowing seeds of doubt about what we’re capable of…

Imagine having a friend who constantly criticized, belittled, and discouraged you. I would hope you wouldn’t tolerate that for long.

Negative self-talk is the feedback from that little, but very loud, inner critic we all have in the back of our minds. It runs off a long script written by the experiences and people who have shaped us in this lifetime. The outline of this script was written well before you were aware, in a distant time from your childhood when you crafted all the survival skills necessary to have your needs met by your caregivers and daily environment. Simply put, our inner critic is a collection of useless tokens handed to you throughout life that are weighing you down. You cannot measure your value against these useless tokens…

It’s essential to treat yourself with the same kindness, love, and understanding that you extend to your loved ones.

Identifying Negative-Self Talk

Negative self-talk manifests in quite a few ways. In my experience, it doesn’t typically look like a self-effacing joke or self-sabotaging attitude (though those definitely play their part in reaffirming negative beliefs). Here are some ways it can creep in that I want you to be aware of in order to identify when you’re cashing in those tokens we talked about:

  • Inner Critic: Listening to that relentless voice telling you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, or worthy.
  • Catastrophizing: Blowing small issues out of proportion and imagining worst-case scenarios to experience a sense of control or protection.
  • All-or-Nothing Thinking: Seeing things as either perfect or a complete failure, with no middle ground.
  • Comparison: Measuring your worth based on others’ achievements leads to feelings of inadequacy.
  • Overgeneralization: Believing that one mistake defines your entire identity and future.

Combating Your Inner Critic

Your self-talk shapes your reality. If you want to rewrite the script in your mind that was written without your input, you have to consciously choose to empower yourself with kind words and caring actions. So how can you create a positive narrative that supports your growth and happiness?

  • Self-Awareness: Recognize when negative self-talk arises. Pause, acknowledge it, and question its validity. This doesn’t have to be a philosophical moment, just get to know yourself on a deeper level and you will learn to trust yourself and your value. (I’ve got some resources to help with this at the bottom of this blog post.)
  • Refuting Thoughts: Challenge negative thoughts with evidence to the contrary. This can be positive affirmations, a nice note from a loved one, reminiscing on joyful moments and accomplishments, etc.
  • Practice Self-Compassion and Care: Treat yourself as you would a friend. Be kind, understanding, and forgiving toward yourself. Nourish yourself inside and out, the more care you show for your well-being, the more you will affirm you’re more valuable than those useless tokens.
  • Create a Positive Mantra: Develop a go-to positive phrase to counteract negative thoughts. You could use a quote, a song, or your own affirmation… just make sure it really means something to you and plaster it everywhere that you experience self-doubt or hear your inner critic the loudest. (A computer, your mirror, your desk, etc.)
  • Visualization: Picture a time when you successfully navigated challenges, experienced unbridled joy, or achieved your goals. Visualizing a positive experience can actually reproduce the same “happy” chemicals in your brain that were created at that moment. (You can also recreate this with a photo or video of a special moment.)
  • Limit Social Comparison: Focus on your own journey, growth, and progress instead of comparing with others. If you need to take a break from social media, DO IT. It will be there when you get back… your health and success are more important than a virtual highlight reel. Fill your time with what YOU love.
  • Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments. Thank yourself for getting you to the place you are and recognize you can still keep going. Nobody is immune to the need for continued growth. Healthy things grow and they don’t apologize for changing or taking up space. They just keep becoming beautiful no matter what’s going on around them.

Negative self-talk doesn’t serve you; it only limits your potential and hampers your happiness. Self-compassion and constructive self-talk is where I want you to be spending your time. Treat yourself with the kindness and understanding that I know you extend to your loved ones. As you rewrite your inner narrative, you will pave the way for a life filled with positivity, growth, and self-love.

Let’s start the journey to uplift ourselves through our words and thoughts. Your narrative matters, and it’s time to make it a masterpiece of self-compassion. Click here to dive deeper into this journey and see where life can take you. >>

With Authenticity Always,

Dr. Falisa

Dr. Falisa Asberry

Written by Dr. Falisa Asberry

CEO, Coach, Trained Psychologist

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