
Subtle Self-Sabotage: Calling Out Your Greatness

Xavier Dagba: "One of the most subtle forms of self sabotage is downplaying your gifts or taking them for granted just because they feel natural or come easy to you."

In the pursuit of our goals and dreams, we often encounter a formidable adversary lurking within ourselves: self-sabotage.

In its most subtle, sneaky form, self-sabotage will have us downplaying our gifts, undermining our own worth, and holding ourselves back from reaching our full potential. We may find ourselves discounting our abilities, dismissing our accomplishments, and avoiding opportunities that could propel us forward. It takes and it takes, it keeps us stuck and essentially is just a ‘death by paper cuts’, if you will. 

But why do we engage in such self-sabotaging behavior?

Naturally, it’s often rooted in fear and self-doubt, as we hesitate to step into our greatness and embrace the full extent of our talents. We may downplay our gifts because they come with ease and therefore feel insignificant… or because we fear judgment, rejection, or failure.

To break free from the clutches of self-sabotage, we must be willing to journey inward—find a deep self-awareness, challenge our limiting beliefs, and take intentional steps toward self-empowerment. You can start by acknowledging and celebrating your achievements (you have my permission to brag about yourself, even if it’s just to yourself). No matter how small the thing is… even if you only brought the dinner rolls, embrace the value you’ve brought to the table!

| Xavier Dagba: “One of the most subtle forms of self-sabotage is downplaying your gifts or taking them for granted just because they feel natural or come easy to you.”

Recognizing how these subtle self-sabotaging tendencies show up for you is the way to unlock your greatness and experience that real, authentic living I talk about… your liberation is on the other side of this stuff, self-sabotage is keeping you stuck. I don’t like that, so let me help you get moving on up!

Let’s replace self-sabotage with self-compassion and self-belief. Let’s commit to nurturing our gifts, pursuing our passions, and creating a life that aligns with our true potential. Remember, you are worthy, capable, and deserving of success. Embrace your greatness, banish self-sabotage, and step into the extraordinary life that awaits you. Check out my signature course “Authentically Me: Self-Guided“. I’ve compiled my years of experience in Psychology, Human Behavior, and good ol’ life experience into the ultimate self-discovery and personal growth tool. Build meaningful relationships, cultivate self-love, and tap into your unique, beautiful greatness. Embrace the extraordinary life that awaits you. It’s time to rise up and reclaim all that you are.

If you want to:

  • Build successful relationships based on trust and authenticity.
  • Cultivate self-love, acceptance, and confidence.
  • Uncover your unique strengths and passions.
  • Develop effective communication and boundary-setting skills.
  • Overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs.
  • Navigate life transitions with resilience and clarity.
  • Tap into your untapped potential and create a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Then just know, I made this resource for you. I’ll hook you up with lifetime access to revisit the materials whenever you need a boost or a reminder of your journey. I hope to see you there!

Kick self-sabotage to the curb and find a supportive community to remind you of who you are when it creeps back in. Get into the self-guided, online course and exclusive community! >>

With Authenticity Always,

Dr. Falisa

Sneak Peek Into Our Community

Sneak peek at the virtual community
Dr. Falisa Asberry

Written by Dr. Falisa Asberry

CEO, Coach, Trained Psychologist

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